Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Pengaruh rumah kaca

Diluar mungkin terasa dingin tetapi, pada siang hari, udaranya dapat sangat panas dalam rumah kaca. Panas yang memancar dari matahari melewati kaca dan memanaskan segala sesuatu didalamnya. Ini semua melepas panas melalui radiasi. Akan tetapi kaca memantulkan sebagian panas ini kembali ke rumah kaca. Dengan demikian, bagian rumah kaca menjadi memanas. Kita menangkap panas matahari.

Sebagian gas dalam atmosfer bumi bertindak seperti kaca dalam rumah kaca. Gas tersebut menangkap panas matahari dan membantu menjaga permukaan bumi agar tetap panas. Tanpa ini, dunia kita akan menjadi tempat yang akan jauh lebih dingin. Namun ada masalah. Dengan membakar bahan baker dan hutan, kita memasukkan semakin banyak gas rumah kaca ini ke dalam atmosfer. Sebagai akibatnya, bumi secara pelan-pelan menjadi semakin panas. Ini disebut pengaruh rumah kaca. Jika tidak diambil tindakan, hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang tidak dapat diperbaiki.

Gas rumah kaca

Atmosfer kita merupakan campuran gas. Dari gas-gas ini, gas rumah kaca yang utama adalah karbondioksida. Hewan (seperti kita sendiri) mengeluarkan karbondioksida pada waktu bernafas, sedangkan tumbuhan menyerap karbondioksida. Dengan demikian hewan dan tumbuhan dapat menjaga agar atmosfer tetap seimbang dan jumlah karbondioksida tetap sama.

Namun gaya hidup kita yang modern seringkali mengacuhkan keseimbangan ini. Pada saat kita membakar bahan baker di kendaraan dan stasiun pembangkit, gas buangannya memasukkan karbondioksida ekstra yang banyak sekali jumlahnya ke atmosfer. Di beberapa Negara, kawasan hutan tropis yang amat luas dibakari untuk membersihkan tanah bagi kepentingan pembangunan. Hal ini menyebabkan masalah yang ganda. Pembakaran tersebut melepaskan banyak karbondioksida dan bumi hanya tinggal mempunyai sedikit saja tumbuhan yang menyerap gas tersebut.

Terdapat beberapa gas rumah kaca lain lagi di atmosfer. Gas metan dilepaskan melalui hewan, daerah rawa, sawah dan kilang minyak dan pemakaian gas. Oksida yang berisi nitrogen berasal dari knalpot mobil dan dari pupuk kimia yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman. Klorofluor Karbon (CFC) telah digunakan pada kulkas, alat penyemprot aerosol, dan kemasan busa. Jumlah CFC di atmosfer hanya sedikit, tetapi gas-gas ini 10000 kali lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan karbondioksida dalam menangkap panas. CFC juga merusak lapisan ozon dalam atmosfer yang melindungi kita dari radiasi ultraviolet matahari yang berbahaya.

Penanganan masalah

Masalah tentang pengaruh rumah kaca dimulai kira-kira seratus tahun yang lalu ketika orang mulai menggunakan bahan baker seperti minyak dan bensin dalam skala besar. Secara rata-rata suhu dunia naik kira-kira setengah derajat (Celcius) selama100 tahun terakhir. Suhu ini dapat naik tiga derajat lagi selama 50 tahun mendatang.

Kedengarannya tidak banyak. Akan tetapi, kenaikan ini dapat menyebabkan banjir beberapa tempat dunia. Dan jika tutup es kutub utara meleleh dan menaikan permukaan laut, maka banyak kawasan yang letaknya rendah didunia akan kebanjiran. Para ilmuwan percaya bahwa satu-satunya cara memperlamban pengaruh rumah kaca adalah kita harus mengurangi produksi gas yang menyebabkan pengaruh terseebut.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

The Skyscraper

In the modern age there are many skyscrapers in big cities, for example in Jakarta. This is one of the triggering global warming. Global warming became one of the important issues voiced in some countries. Storey buildings to be one cause of global warming. Based on the research of an institution in the United States, 68% of total CO2 emissions produced in the earth-rise buildings. What can the world of property facing global warming?

The issue of global warming raises the potential loss of revenue for developers, architects, mechanical-electrical consulting, property management, and other professional fields if they do not care about the concept of environmental friendly building (green building).

As more and more skyscrapers are berakibatkan global warming, the Italian architect Dr. David Fisher announced a new page in the history of architecture. New apartment with the concept of dynamic (Dynamic Towers) will change the way the world view of a building, because every building will generate its own energy, each floor will be free to move, and through unique designs, each level of the building itself will be built separately in the factory plants.

The Dynamic Tower designed by Dr. David Fisher, kusus designed to provide strength with the ability to generate electricity for the building itself, as well as for the surrounding buildings. This can be achieved by installing wind turbines at each floor that will be generating electricity really friendly to the environment.

Because of its design and thus, wind turbines between each floor can work without sound, and supplies equipment and furnishings of each apartment will use natural materials that can be recycled such as stone, marble, glass and wood.

Because of its design and thus, wind turbines between each floor can work without sound, and supplies equipment and furnishings of each apartment will use natural materials that can be recycled such as stone, marble, glass and wood.
Each floor of the tower will be able to spin freely in an independent, and can be built separately in their own factory. Once completed, every part of the floor can be lifted and placed in the center of the tower in accordance with the floor level.

Fisher said that this development using pre-constructed system, which is built with parts that have been previously constructed so as to reduce costs by 20 percent and save about one week for every floor. Because the ability of each floor that can be freely rotating at different speeds then the shape of the building will be constantly changing.
Each tower will be equipped with many choices, such as a swimming pool in the house, through voice activation system (voice activated control systems), and an elevator that allows you to park in a designated place, also a luxury bathroom that is designed specifically and assembled by Leonardo da Vinci factory in Italy.

It is expected that this concept can be applied to every country that has many skyscrapers. Because the concept is able to reduce global warming increasingly uncontrollable.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

My favorite place

Quite a lot of places I visit often, but there are some places that became my favorite. One of these is the lake where the scenic hills. Location of the lake is not so far from my house. If pursued with bike just 10 minutes.

In the picturesque hills of the lake there are many merchants who offer food disiang and evening. For example chicken noodle, Somay, batagor, ketoprak, durian ice, ice cantaloupe, coconut ice and others. Comfortable place to eat and chat barsama friends. Because the place is comfortable, many young children and lovers who often visited there. Not only the variety of food but there are also beautiful scenery and the air is cool because a lot of trees around the lake.

If the evening meal is usually sold is different from the afternoon and evening. Example will be replaced by toast, roasted corn and sweet or martabak eggs. No wonder if every night the week many young couples who spend time in this place. Because food sold relatively affordable, so this place became a favorite place for students, or students like me.

Not only the lake but no longer just a place that became my favorite. Usually I call the stars of the hill. Because of the hill we can see the stars clearly. Is located in Bukit Sentul Bogor. At night I can see the expanse of city lights that look very beautiful from the top of the hill. If it was my place to feel comfortable and did not want to go home. The air is cool makes me want to go back there again.

I usually visit with the star of the hill my boyfriend. Because my boyfriend who first brought me the place. If we're bored with the crowd in the city like in a mall, we usually visit the place together. Many things I can do there. Usually I take pictures, photographs, sipping fresh air and removing fatigue.

Not far from the hill there is also the star of the landscape rainbow hill no less interesting. But I prefer to be in the hills stars because so many memories are stored there. I will never forget it. I am very fortunate to have visited the beautiful places like that.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Only Hope

oleh: Mandy Moore

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
would you sing to me
over and over again
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.

I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh.